Belteleradiocompany visited by Chinese delegation

On January 30, the National State TV and Radio Company of the Republic of Belarus met with the Chinese delegation headed by Chief of the Department of Culture of the Government of the autonomous region Xinjiang MUHETAER MAIHESUTI and general manager of Shanghai Baohong culture communication Co.Ltd Mr ZUO KE MENG.

Press Release

On January 30, the National State TV and Radio Company of the Republic of Belarus met with the Chinese delegation headed by Chief of the Department of Culture of the Government of the autonomous region Xinjiang MUHETAER MAIHESUTI and general manager of Shanghai Baohong culture communication Co.Ltd Mr ZUO KE MENG.

The meeting is the next step in the development of friendly and business relations between the main Belarusian media holding and employees of Chinese culture. The Symphonic Orchestra BTRC paid three visits to the Celestial Empire with performances, aroused great interest in the Asian public and prompted the desire to visit Belarus in order to increase familiarity with the culture of our country. As a result, the Chinese cultural workers arrived in Minsk.

From the Belarusian side the meeting was attended by managers and employees of the structural units of the Company: Directorate of International Relations, Directorate of Foreign Broadcasting of the Belarusian radio, the press service of creative association of musical groups and others.

The parties discussed issues of creative cooperation, prospects of development and strengthening cultural ties between Belteleradiocompany and its partners from China.

During the visit, the delegation visited the Museum of the Belarusian television and radio, which is located within the walls of the main media holding of the country. The guests were presented with unique exhibits and photographs.

At the invitation of BTRC, the Chinese delegation will also visit the Belarusian State Museum of the Great Patriotic War and Nesvizh Castle.