Belteleradiocompany signs agreement on cooperation with the Central Television of China


Press Release    The ceremony of signing the agreement on cooperation between the National State TV and Radio Company of Belarus and the Central Television of China. At the ceremony Belteleradiocompany was represented by the Chairman Gennadi Davydko and the Chinese Party was represented by the Vice President of the Central Television of China (CCTV) Luo Ming.

Press Release

The ceremony of signing the agreement on cooperation between the National State TV and Radio Company of Belarus and the Central Television of China.
At the ceremony Belteleradiocompany was represented by the Chairman Gennadi Davydko and the Chinese Party was represented by the Vice President of the Central Television of China (CCTV) Luo Ming.
The ceremony made part of the meeting between the Chair of the National Assembly Council of Republic Anatoly Rubinov and the Chair of the Standing Committee of the Chinese Communist Party Liu Yunshan, who discussed mutually beneficial cooperation in mass media. The agreement will contribute to the bilateral links and satisfy the cultural and informational demands of the citizens of the Republic of Belarus and Chinese People's Republic. The documents provides for media cooperation, in compliance with national laws.