Belteleradiocompany to demonstrate XXIII International festival of arts "Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk"


Press releaseThis year the principal cultural event in the life of the country, XXIII International festival of arts "Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk", will be held on July 10-14. The principal events of this great cultural forum will be demonstrated by the channels of the National State TV and Radio Company of Belarus, which has been the principal broadcaster and organizer of the festival for many years.

Press release

This year the principal cultural event in the life of the country, XXIII International festival of arts "Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk", will be held on July 10-14. The principal events of this great cultural forum will be demonstrated by the channels of the National State TV and Radio Company of Belarus, which has been the principal broadcaster and organizer of the festival for many years.
The TV Channel "Belarus 1" will give its audience an opportunity to plunge into the air of festive Vitebsk by means of daily "Diaries" with exclusive shots and interviews, TV versions of festive concerts and performances. During the time of the contest "Good morning, Belarus!" program will be launched from Vitebsk.
Traditionally the TV Infoservice and other channels and stations of the Belarusian radio will take an active part in live broadcasts, information and music programs take part in the coverage of the festival.
The main program of the festival will last from July 10 through July 14. This year the festival will be attended by representatives of over 30 countries of the world. The motto of this festival is "Slavic Soul".
Over 70 concerts, show programs and performances will be held at the festive sites. Do-it-yourselves from all regions of Belarus will come to the "City of Craftsmen". Summer Amphitheater will traditionally host the concert of opening and closing ceremonies of the Union State, which will be demonstrated by the audience of TV channels Belarus 1 and Belarus 2.
Belteleradiocompany will record and demonstrate the performances of "The Choir of Turetsky", Nadezhda Kadysheva and her "Golden Ring", Boris Moiseev, Oleg Gazmanov, TV concerts "Golden Hit", "The Stars of Europe", "Teleassorti" show, program "I Returned to Motherland", timed to the 100th anniversary of Mark Fradkin..
Due to the broadcasts on international satellite TV channel "Belarus -24" the concerts of Slavic Bazaar festival will be viewed by all residents of the globe.
The principal intrigue of the festival is children's and adult contest. The latter one changed the format: 21 participants will pass through the semi-final. The jury will select 15 vocalists for the performance in the final. The organizers are going to turn the XXIII international contest of pop performers Vitebsk-2014 into a real show. Belarus will be represented by Artur Mikhailov.
The participants of the junior contest will be able to plunge into a real fairy tale, as they will go to the Island of Treasures, where true adventure is waiting for them! Our team of screenwriters, directors and choreographers will make the performance unbelievable. At the children's contest our country will be represented by Milana Redchenko and Zinaida Kupriyanovich.
Vitebsk-2014. BACKSTAGE on-line diary will be displayed at the site of Belteleradiocompany. It will cover the most interesting and important events in Vitebsk.
View and listen to Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk on the TV channels and radio stations of Belteleradiocompany!