BTRC journalists are winners of Presidential Award

On January, 12, at 22.00 the TV channel Belarus 1 and the international satellite channel Belarus 24 will broadcast the ceremony of presenting the award of the President of the Republic of Belarus For Spiritual Revival, special prizes of the President of the Republic of Belarus to the workers of culture and art, special prizes of the President of the Republic of Belarus Belarusian Sports Olympus.

Information message

On January, 12, at 22.00 the TV channel Belarus 1 and the international satellite channel Belarus 24 will broadcast the ceremony of presenting the award of the President of the Republic of Belarus For Spiritual Revival, special prizes of the President of the Republic of Belarus to the workers of culture and art, special prizes of the President of the Republic of Belarus Belarusian Sports Olympus.

On the results of 2015 the Head of State presented five awards For Spiritual Revival. They were given to author and labor groups for outstanding work in the humanitarian sphere.

Among the winners of the highest award is the author team composed of non-staff employee of the main directorate of the international broadcast of the Belarusian Radio (Radio Belarus) Elena Horoshevich and professor of criminal-executive law of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Anatoly Sharkov. They created the book-requiem Live and Remember, which summarizes the results of work on the identification and study of the burial sites of Belarusian defenders of the Fatherland in different parts of Europe.

According to results of the year 2015 ten special prizes of the President of the Republic of Belarus were awarded as well. They were given to the figures of culture, art and science, teachers, groups of authors, cultural institutions for significant achievements in the field of fine and performing arts, amateur art, museology, education of youth.

Among the winners is the team of authors of the TV News Agency of BTRC: correspondent of special department of culture news Natalia Bardilovskaya, chief director Oleg Dolgopolov and head of the department of culture news Mikhail Revutskiy for the creation of the historical and documentary series They Sang For Homeland and other projects aimed at patriotic education of youth.

By the way, this is not the first time when the work made by the creative team of the department of culture news is highly evaluated by the Head of State. It is also gratifying to note that journalists of other BTRC directorates traditionally get high and significant awards.

We congratulate our colleagues!