Visit of Chinese delegation to radio Belarus

The Main Directorate of International Broadcasting (Radio "Belarus") of the Belarusian Radio was visited by a delegation of journalists from the People's Republic of China.

Information message

The Main Directorate of International Broadcasting (Radio "Belarus") of the Belarusian Radio was visited by a delegation of journalists from the People's Republic of China.

During the visit, the journalists from China visited the studios of the Belarusian Radio, where they met with the staff of the International Radio Belarus.

In the Radio House they held official talks with the Belarusian Party.


The talks were attended by the chief director of the International Radio Belarus Naum Galperovich, managers and employees of the radio station, the deputy chairman of the Belarusian Union of Journalists of the Republic of Belarus Sergei Sverkunov and a number of representatives of the Chinese media.

The parties discussed the possibilities of mutual cooperation and exchange of experience between journalists' unions in the two countries.

In addition, the Chinese guests were invited to participate in the international competition of creative works (essays), on the subject "Belarusian-Chinese cooperation. Silk Road and Industrial Park Great Stone with My Eyes" that Radio Belarus holds in cooperation with the Embassy of the Peoples Republic of China, Belarusian Society of Friendship and Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries and the Republican Sinology Institute named after Confucius at Belarusian State University.