What Belarus achieved during 30 years of Alexander Lukashenko's presidency

10 июля 2024

Friendly relations with partners on all continents are the result of the peace-loving, multipolar policy of President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko. "The Belarusian economy is developing not at the expense of someone else's handouts, but at the expense of our own labor," said the leader at the Third Belarusian People's Congress.

Today we are not only self-sufficient in food (and at the expense of our own production), but are among the top five largest exporters in Europe. According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, Belarus ranks third in the world in the production of flax fiber, fourth place - rye and triticale, 10th place - buckwheat. The country is among the top 20 in sugar beet, rapeseed, oats and potatoes production.

The industry is also actively developing. Under the leadership of Alexander Lukashenko, many high-tech and infrastructure projects were implemented in the 2000s, which are now the drivers of Belarus' development. The Belarusian Nuclear Power Plant, the Chinese-Belarusian Industrial Park Great Stone, the Belarusian National Biotechnology Corporation and other landmark facilities have been built. And this is not counting our space achievements, production of national cars and the most complicated medical operations.