The Main Air

24.10.2021 20:00
|  Politics

The failed coup attempt in Belarus has not changed the enemy's plans. One of the possible dates for destabilization is a constitutional referendum.

24.10.2021 19:56
|  President

The topic of coronavirus is still under control at the highest level. And this week is not an exception. Many of the President's statements immediately made headlines.

17.10.2021 19:58
|  Society

The mechanisms of cooperation between authorities and various anti-epidemic measures at all levels have been put in place in the fight against the pandemic.

17.10.2021 19:54
|  Society

During this week a new version of the Education Code as well as changes in the admission rules for universities and colleges were addressed by the President.

10.10.2021 22:30
|  Society

Belarus waited for two years for the X-Factor show. The filming of the project had to be postponed due to the epidemic situation, nevertheless, the premiere took place yesterday on the air of Belarus 1.

03.10.2021 22:12
|  Politics

The Expo 2020 in the Emirates has brought together 192 countries. The exposition will run for six months, until the end of March.

03.10.2021 22:10
|  Politics

Watch the TV version of President Lukashenko's interview with CNN here The interview with Alexander Lukashenko, although was the top news in all the media editions over the past few days.

03.10.2021 21:59
|  Politics

This week the Head of our state received credentials from ambassadors who are beginning their diplomatic mission in our country.

03.10.2021 21:48
|  Society

The EU started an unprecedented disinformation campaign. The resolution adopted at the Council of Europe Assembly was yet another attempt to shift the responsibility for organizing the migration crisis onto Belarus.

26.09.2021 22:00
|  Society

The involvement of youth in drug business is a new challenge and threat to the nation. The Belarusian Drug Control Agency notes an alarming trend.

26.09.2021 21:55
|  Politics

Belarus is strengthening its diplomatic presence abroad. This week, the President appointed several ambassadors to represent the interests of our country.

26.09.2021 21:20
|  Society

Under the responsive control of foreign handlers, some opposition members in Belarus are still trying to restart the protest machine.

26.09.2021 21:15
|  Economy

Social guarantees are certainly good, but the state needs money to pay for them, in addition to pension contributions.  And this is where the domestic industrial cluster is crucial.

26.09.2021 21:10
|  Society

The new pension program will start working in October, 2022. At the same time, the emergence of the new mechanism does not cancel the existing retirement pensions, which are called the solidarity system.

26.09.2021 21:05
|  Society

A social welfare state is the real brand of Belarus that we have maintained for many years. Support to multi-child families, construction of housing and development of the pension system are now our number one tasks.

19.09.2021 21:59
|  President

The Belarusian President bestowed state awards to doctors, farmers, personalities of culture and art, athletes - those who make Belarus better by their long-standing work.

19.09.2021 21:57
|  Society

It's horrible to realize that children live in such conditions. What can you do when you have nowhere to retreat, if you were born in the middle of hostilities? After the Minsk agreements, the sound of bursting shells is heard less frequently, but the children in Donbas have continued to live and study under shelling for 8 years now, and have lost many relatives.

19.09.2021 21:42
|  Politics

Dushanbe hosted a session of the Collective Security Council and the jubilee summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

19.09.2021 21:03
|  Society

82 years ago we collected our land in pieces. Belarusians now have a future, which they had been deprived of for more than 20 years.

12.09.2021 22:28
|  Politics

The union agenda has become defining this week. At the end of the talks in the Kremlin, our President's summary of the serious agreements with Russia was simple: "We have never taken such steps before!"  , The presidents have agreed on 28 union programs the programs.

12.09.2021 22:24
|  Society

Belarus has chosen the most beautiful girl of the country. 18-year-old Darya Goncharevich from Minsk became Miss Belarus 2021.

12.09.2021 22:07
|  Society

As usual, the announcement of the verdict in the case of conspiracy to seize power was accompanied by absurd media noise at the behest of Western curators.

05.09.2021 21:43
|  Society

A long game of destroying the post-Soviet countries continues. Russia is the ultimate goal of the West. Hence the understandable desire of our countries to work on the same front, including the desire to prevent the latent aggression.

05.09.2021 21:25
|  Society

The beginning of the school year turned out to be fruitful for the education system - seven schools opened on September 1 across the country.