Berestye Museum invites to 13th century with help of augmented reality

8 марта 2022
The Berestye Museum invites you to go to the XIII century. In honor of its anniversary, the gallery has prepared an amazing novelty with the help of augmented reality. You can see the houses of the ancient settlement and the sidewalk. As scientists assume, this is only a part of the settlement. It is still unknown where the rest of the village is and what is more important, the remains of Berestye Сastle. 

Excursion to Antiquity

Craftsmen's quarters, treasures, the ancient Berestye reveals its secrets and a castle-fortress at a depth of four meters,. This was the center of the ancient settlement. Tourists are not taken to the excavations, because every inch of the buildings is strictly protected.  In total, the museum exposes 28 buildings of the XIII century, which are almost completely preserved. The archaeologists found an older cultural layer dating back to the XI century. 

Roman Sych, head of the branch "Berestye Archaeological Museum" of Brest Regional Museum of Local Lore:

“Now visitors can see only a part of the city of the XIII century. Most likely, it was a handicraft quarter. Probably there are richer quarters, where merchants lived, where the prince lived.

The Berestye Museum is 40 years old. Ancient Berestye was discovered in the 1960s. Large-scale excavations were supervised by Peter Lysenko. His discovery was a real sensation in the world of archaeology. But in addition to the buildings themselves, the archaeologists found many artifacts of the  ancient history of Belarus. For example, an alphabetic crest testifies to the first writing on our lands. And an artistic gold ring proved that the medieval Belarusian town was home to wealthy people.

Augmented reality technology helps to go back to the 13th century. An audio guide can be listened to via smartphone application and 3D glasses visualize not only houses, but also historical scenes, for example, the siege of the city. 

According to historians, even for forty years of research there are many blank spots in the history of Berestye. So, it is still unknown where exactly the unassailable Berestye castle was located. And it is quite possible that the most important discoveries of Berestye are still ahead.