Belarus and China will pursue a joint friendly policy to promote their interests - Kochanova

1 июня 2024

The high-level meetings of the Belarusian parliamentary delegation in China, led by Natalia Kochanova, Chairperson of the Council of the Republic, have become a continuation of the dialog at the level of heads of state. The first meeting of the High-Level Committee is already a historical milestone of cooperation between the legislative bodies. There is a cooperation agreement between the parliaments. There are agreements between agencies: in the spheres of health care, education, economy. Beijing supports Minsk on its way to the SCO, and we are waiting for support in joining the BRICS. The results of the visit of the Belarusian parliamentarians were summarized by Chairperson of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly in an interview with Viktoria Senkevich.

The visit is very significant for the parliamentarians, said Natalia Kochanova. "This is the first time we have held a meeting of the High Level Committee of Cooperation between parliamentarians of the Republic of Belarus and the People's Republic of China, which was established recently. This is the first meeting. We discussed all areas of cooperation between Belarus and China. First of all, it concerns the legislative framework of our countries, joint participation in international organizations, defending the interests of our countries in the international arena, issues of economy, socio-economic development of our countries and humanitarian sphere: education, healthcare, culture, preservation of national traditions. Therefore, the range of issues that were discussed was quite wide and multidimensional."