Gaidukevich: Western countries not ready for dialogue

30 июня 2024

If the Belarusians remember the lessons of history and do their best to keep a peaceful sky, the West continues to escalate tension. Non-admission of the Belarusian delegates to the session of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly leads only to greater disunity in the already serious escalation of the military and political situation in the region.

By such actions the Western countries are undermining the foundations of the organization's functioning. But as practice shows, neither the European Union nor the United States needs peace. They only use this word to cover their true interests. Oleg Gaidukevich told us what exactly is behind such a policy of the Western countries.

Oleg Gaidukevich, member of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of Belarus, chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party of Belarus:

“The West says it wants peace, holds a peace conference in Switzerland. They say that the OSCE is a platform for us to exchange views. And at the same time it forbids our delegation to come and express its point of view. At the same time, our point of view is exactly in favor of peace, we offer real mechanisms for peace in Europe, so that war did not break out. What does this mean? They are not ready for dialogue, they do not want this dialogue, they are afraid of the truth, they are afraid of what our delegation will say, they understand that despite the fact that they are pressured, despite the fact that the OSCE has been turned into a tool, there are still our supporters there: there are those who hear us, there are those who support us. That is why all international norms are violated.”