Lukashenko offers China to build new landmark in Minsk

25 июня 2024

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko proposes China to build a new landmark object in Minsk. This was stated by the head of state at a meeting with Secretary of the Party Committee of Peking University Hao Ping and representatives of Chinese universities, BelTA informs.

The President reminded that the parties have already implemented many projects in the field of architecture and urban development: "Speaking about Minsk, you should know that at one time we agreed with Xi Jinping that the Chinese would build a good hotel and a Chinese quarter. They have implemented it. We have a Chinese quarter built by your builders not far from the Palace of Independence. And the Beijing hotel.

At present, two large sports facilities are under construction in Minsk by the Chinese side. "On the humanitarian line, you are building a stadium and a swimming pool. This year we will finish this construction," said Alexander Lukashenko.

He also spoke about the proposal to build another landmark for the capital and the whole of Belarus with the participation of Chinese specialists: "We want to agree with you to help us, especially in planning the architecture, to build a museum of Belarusian history similar to the Chinese one. We are already cooperating with your specialists. It will be quite near. It will decorate our Minsk."