Lukashenko states that upcoming elections should finalize formation of renewed political system in Belarus

10 сентября 2024

The next presidential election should complete the formation of a renewed political system of the country. This was stated by President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko on September 10 at a meeting on topical domestic political issues and preparations for political campaigns, BelTA reports.

The meeting was attended by the heads of the parliamentary chambers, head of the Presidential Administration, Secretary of State of the Security Council, chairmen of the CEC and KGB.

“These elections (the upcoming presidential election in Belarus - BELTA's note) should complete the formation of a renewed political system of our state,” said Alexander Lukashenko. According to the President, much has already been done in this respect. For example, the All-Belarusian People's Assembly has started working in the political system of the country in the new constitutional status, the main approaches to its activity have been defined. “But a lot will has to be done before and during the presidential election,” the head of state drew attention to it.

The most important thing the President emphasized was preparation for the upcoming new five-year period: “Elections are elections, we have held them more than once. We will hold these elections too. But we should really prepare for the next five-year period. A new five-year plan starts in 2026. Therefore, we should (I believe so) hold a regular All-Belarusian People's Assembly at the beginning of next year. We should present the strategy for the five-year period to the people and determine the strategy for the next five years.