Commercial contracts worth about 6 billion Russian rubles signed at Forum of the Regions of Belarus and Russia

27 июня 2024

The Forum of the Regions of Belarus and Russia continues its busy work at various locations. Thus, in Novopolotsk, the commercial contracts worth about Br6 billion were signed.

Only innovative approaches should be at the head of technological independence of Belarus and Russia. Both Belarus and Russia have strong science and a decent material base. It is important to transform experience and knowledge into innovations. This is the leitmotif of today's meeting in the young industrial town of Novopolotsk.

Microelectronics, machine building, civil aircraft construction, development of metalworking equipment production, capacity building for agricultural machinery production - these are just some of the promising areas for further cooperation.

Vladislav Tatarinovich, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of Belarus:

The most important thing is to work out and implement joint actions that will make it possible to carry out new breakthrough projects. It is much easier to carry out this task jointly.

Belarus is among the top ten countries in the world in terms of training specialists in science and technology and creating mobile applications. As for Russia, of course, the scale of the domestic market and employment in science-intensive spheres are impressive. These advantages should be used as efficiently as possible.