Rusy: XI Forum of Regions exceeded all our expectations

27 июня 2024

Harmonization of legislation on enforcement proceedings in the Union State, legal support of scientific and educational cooperation, implementation of anti-corruption legislation, legal support of information security - these topics became fundamental for the work of the first section, which brought together speakers from Belarus and Russia in one of the buildings of the Polotsk State University. The legal foundation of the Union State, which has been formed over 20 years, includes about 1,500 normative legal acts affecting all spheres of activity of the two states. The expansion of the legal base helps to open new opportunities for business activation, provide equal opportunities for scientific activity and education. During the work of the section 3 cooperation agreements were signed.

Alexey Egorov, Rector of BSEU:

We sign an agreement with a very famous university of St. Petersburg, where in addition to economic specialties a whole range of opportunities for us is presented. Such a cluster will help us to become closer in the educational process.

"We have a large number of experts from the scientific side, teaching side. We will come out to sign a number of agreements. We are keeping up with the times. Digitization, innovation, technological breakthrough - what our two presidents said, set us the task. And it is here that we will consider the prospects," said the first deputy chairman of the Federation Council Committee of the Federal Council of the Russian Federation.