Selimov: Belarus gives high priority to sports

3 июля 2024

Today, Belarus has created maximum conditions for children, adults, people who want to engage in physical culture to have such an opportunity. And every person can engage in his favorite sport. Alim Selimov, chairman of the Belarusian Wrestling Federation, told about it in an interview with the TV channel Belarus 1.

"We see a huge involvement of the state for professional athletes: how much all sports events are organized, at what high level they are held in our country. An elementary example is last year's II CIS Games, which were held at the highest level. And that speaks volumes. It can be noted in bold that sports are given great attention in our country. I believe that a healthy nation is healthy people. A healthy nation is a contribution to the development of the state," Selimov added.

Marina Litvinchuk, multiple Olympic medalist in canoeing, multiple champion of the BRICS Games, also noted: "I would say that our President is sporty, he participates in many sporting events. He serves as a personal example. He always comes to sports venues, supports athletes whenever possible. It is very pleasant for us that our sport or some kind of sport receives such attention. And this is also an example for ordinary citizens of the country that the President himself is involved in sports."