Participants of 16th Belarusian Antarctic Expedition welcomed at Academy of Sciences

5 июля 2024

Expansion of the geography of research and consolidation of the areas of scientific interest of Belarus in Antarctica. Today the Academy of Sciences welcomed the participants of the 16th Belarusian Antarctic Expedition.

Within 8 months the Belarusian polar explorers have made two intra-continental traverses. The Konovalov mountain massif was surveyed and an earlier unexplored area was discovered. The expedition participants came to the mountain massif with the area of 36 thousand square kilometers. This object will be promising for study for several years to come. The zone of scientific interest of Belarus is marked by markers with the symbols of Belarus.

The construction of the Belarusian Antarctic Station continues in Antarctica. The installation platform has been assembled, which is ready for the next stage - reception of modules. This is the second stage of the infrastructure development. All the work on the Belarusian Antarctic Station can be completed in the next two years. This is an opportunity for our country to work there all the year round.