All strength and power at the parade at the stele "Minsk - Hero-City". The level of defense capability is as high as never before, stresses the President of Belarus

3 июля 2024

Everything should be done to carry the historical memory of Belarusians through the centuries. This was stated by President Alexander Lukashenko at the military parade dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus.

The memory is full of pain and suffering, patience and courage, feats and triumph of justice. It also contains hundreds of thousands of names of heroes and the strength of the nation of heirs of the victors! There is and can be no justification and forgiveness for Nazi crimes. We remember and will never forget at what price the opportunity to live and work under a peaceful sky was won. At the same time, Belarusians have only one teacher, and it is neither the European Union nor the USA.

Alexander Lukashenko, President of Belarus:

"In the high offices of Washington they calculate benefits, selling weapons and driving the Ukrainian people into poverty, moving towards the main goal. It has not changed for centuries."

The Belarusian leader recalled that at the beginning of the last century Slavs were accused of inability to competently dispose of their natural resources and territories, which for some reason should belong to the entire world community. "And now we allegedly have the wrong democracy. Then the role of "teacher" was taken by Hitler's Germany. Today the whole European Union led by the United States is trying to "teach" us," emphasized the Belarusian leader. - We know the true goals, we know who is behind every provocation at the State Border of Belarus."