Alexander Lukashenko and Xi Jinping hold meeting in Astana

4 июля 2024

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko and President of China Xi Jinping held a meeting in Astana on the margins of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit, BELTA reports.

Xi Jinping first of all congratulated Alexander Lukashenko on Belarus' new status in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization: the republic was admitted to the SCO as a full member at the Astana summit.

"Yesterday your country celebrated Independence Day, and today your country has become a full-fledged member of the SCO. I warmly congratulate you," said the President of the People's Republic of China.

He reminded that last year the President of Belarus paid two visits to China. During the talks, the parties outlined plans to develop an all-weather and strategic partnership. Dense contacts are maintained at all levels.

"We will definitely promote further stable development of our relations," said Xi Jinping. At the same time, the Chinese leader added, the parties intend to move in this direction by seven-mile steps.

Alexander Lukashenko, in his turn expressed gratitude to the Chinese President for the tremendous support of Belarus on its way to membership in the SCO.

"I am very glad that you are becoming chairman (China will chair the SCO in 2025 - BELTA's note), it means that I will have an extra opportunity to visit the People's Republic of China next year. I have written out your initiatives that you are promoting in the SCO (the globalization of the SCO).