Infrastructure, investment projects, gasification - Lukashenko names prospects for working with Leningrad Region

24 июня 2024

Go forward together! This is the appeal of the Belarusian President to the governor of Leningrad Region today. Alexander Lukashenko and Alexander Drozdenko discussed the union agenda at the Palace of Independence. They held talks on all topical issues of bilateral cooperation.

The Forum of Regions of Belarus and Russia is ahead. This means it is high time to revise the relations. Many governors are taking advantage of this opportunity. Belarus and the Leningrad Region have close ties. The head of the region is a frequent guest in our country. Mutual trade reflects the high level of friendly political contacts. The partners expect to overcome the one billion dollar milestone at the end of the year. Few Russian regions can boast of such an active trade with our country. But Alexander Lukashenko is confident that these figures may grow significantly in the future.

Welcoming the guest, the President said: "The peculiarity of our meetings is always efficiency. Everything we agree on is implemented, no matter how difficult it may be for us. This is the most important thing we strive for. We once dreamed of a billion dollars of trade turnover. This year, all our experts are confident that we will overcome this milestone. I think we need to talk today, perhaps, about two billion. There should be flows. We will find such options. Moreover, there will be a serious opportunity to increase this trade turnover.