Alexander Lukashenko's key statements at the SCO summit in Astana spread across the world media

5 июля 2024

Belarus is proud of becoming a full member of the SCO.

The key words of the President at the summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Astana spread across many media. The association, which is just over 20 years old, has become a real mouthpiece of Eurasia: economic, geopolitical and strategic. And the main thing is our people.

Alexander Lukashenko:

“It is very indicative and symbolic that the year in which we were admitted to the SCO is the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders. This is a wonderful gift to the Belarusian people. I would also like to take this opportunity to cordially thank my colleagues, the heads of the member states of the organization, for their unanimous support of this decision. I would like to say just a few words about specific areas to which we, as a full-fledged participant, plan to pay increased attention. The first is international security. We are deeply convinced that in the 21st century it is necessary to build genuine and indivisible global security.”

"In this case, the initiative should be taken by the countries of the global majority, because the narcissistic, selfish West has proved incapable of such an endeavor. There are no leaders there today capable of making responsible decisions on their own. For our part, we will try to adapt our initiatives in this area, which is the most urgent for all of us today," emphasized the Belarusian leader.