Spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belarus Anatoly Glaz commented on the non-admission of Belarusian parliamentarians to the session of the OSCE PA in Romania

29 июня 2024

Spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belarus Anatoly Glaz commented on the non-admission of Belarusian parliamentarians to the session of the OSCE PA in Romania, writes BELTA

The 31st session of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly will start in Bucharest on June 29. However, Romania refused to grant the right of entry for the Belarusian parliamentarians. Thus, the Romanian authorities have deliberately disrupted the participation of the delegation of the National Assembly of Belarus in the annual session of the OSCE PA.

"Bucharest's actions lead to even greater disunity in the already serious escalation of the military and political situation in the OSCE region. But to deep regret, such unlawful steps by a group of Western countries have already become a certain system," Anatoly Glaz said.

The Foreign Ministry explained that an OSCE participating State, which assumes the responsibility to hold the annual session of the OSCE PA, is obliged to observe the principle of openness of events. This is even enshrined in a separate resolution of the Parliamentary Assembly of 2016 "Unimpeded access of members of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly participating in any official OSCE events and other parliamentary activities". It declares the need to promote a full-fledged inclusive inter-parliamentary dialog.