Lukashenko to officials: People need to be listened to and respond to the questions they pose to the authorities

10 сентября 2024

What issues worry Belarusians and how can they be resolved most effectively? Working with people is the top priority, this was discussed at the Independence Palace on September 10.

The heads of both chambers of parliament, the head of the Presidential Administration, the state secretary of the Security Council, the chairmen of the Central Election Commission and the KGB gathered in the hall. A meeting on current domestic political issues and preparations for political campaigns is not the most familiar format, but it is necessary. The practice of such a conversation will be adopted.

Starting the conversation, Alexander Lukashenko noted: "I think that we will hold a series of similar meetings that will be related to the main event of next year - the presidential elections. Today is the first such meeting, where we must define the main contours of our work. Namely the work. Not holding the event itself - the presidential elections, but work. Maybe some kind of plan."

At the same time, Alexander Lukashenko noted that more fundamental decisions will have to be made in an expanded format with the participation of governors, presidential aides in the regions, and government representatives.

People need to be listened to, talked to, and properly responded to the questions they pose to the authorities. Alexander Lukashenko immediately oriented officials to this. The system for working with citizens' requests in the country has been built. This year alone, the Presidential Administration received about 12 thousand requests. They are mainly concerned about problems in the operation of the housing and communal services system, internal affairs agencies, and healthcare.

What issues worry Belarusians?

Alexander Lukashenko focused on two important issues: "I would like to know, firstly, which issues are the most pressing at the moment? Secondly, what is the effectiveness of working with such requests? The authority of each local leader and the government as a whole depends on this." The head of state pointed out: "It is clear that everyday life concerns always come to the forefront for a person. I have already spoken about this. Someone wants to fix a roof, someone wants to put up a fence, someone needs something in a store, and so on. Everything needs to be studied and sorted today. This must always be done and it must be understood what we, the government, must organize, and what the people themselves must do."

The President drew attention to how people evaluate their lives and the work of various institutions: "What is important: people often judge prices not by statistics, but by their wallets, the quality of education - by communication with a specific teacher, the level of medicine - by their clinic, and the government in the state - by the actions of a particular civil servant to whom they turn. I am hinting that everyone should work in this bundle."


Efficiency of work with citizens' appeals

Two years have passed since the legislation concerning the sphere of work with citizens' appeals was updated. It is necessary to prove its effectiveness and work now, although it is still a long way to political campaigns, noted the head of the Presidential Administration.

An important context is the upcoming elections. This is another test for the country's political system. And most importantly, the focus is on the future: the President focused on preparing for the new five-year period as a whole.

"The upcoming presidential elections in Belarus should complete the formation of a renewed political system for our country," said Alexander Lukashenko. "A lot has already been done in this regard. But a lot needs to be done before and during the presidential elections. Elections are elections, we have held them more than once. And we will hold these ones. But we need to really prepare for the next five-year period. A new five-year period begins in 2026. Therefore, we must (I believe) hold the next Belarusian People's Congress at the beginning of next year. We must present the people with a five-year strategy and determine the main directions of our development."

The reasons for pardoning the so-called political prisoners were also discussed at the meeting. The President also assessed his opponents who are trying to "turn the country upside down."

The President of Belarus on those who want to "turn the country upside down"

"I just want, as always, to advise them: if they want to turn the country upside down and participate in the presidential elections, prove their case or something else, they need to come and fight in the presidential elections," the President emphasized. "Without the street, without machine guns, without automatic weapons and without sanctions. People need to come and explain why you "care" so much about Belarus and why you are fighting against it. Why you are planning an armed invasion of the territory of Belarus."