Lukashenko: We have never threatened anyone. National security issues discussed at meeting of Security Council in Palace of Independence

18 июня 2024

Before the big talk, the Commander-in-Chief was shown new samples of military uniforms. The Ministry of Defense proposes some changes according to global trends and the tasks performed by servicemen. Some elements of clothing have been structurally improved.

The cadets will have an office set of jacket and pants, and the current daily uniform with a tunic will be worn for ceremonial events, for summer they, like soldiers, will be issued polo shirts.

The novelties have been tested in the troops

Alexei Kovalev, head of the clothing department of the Ministry of Defense of Belarus:

Any item that we offered to the head of state has been tested. As a rule, we work out an item for 6 to 12 months. Any of our novelties is a feedback with the personnel, servicemen, then finalization and only then inclusion in the norm, description and rules of wearing the uniform, and direct issuance.

The Council of Security Council's attention is focused on the updated draft normative act. It is related to the issues of assessing the state of national security. Given the importance of the document, it was decided to discuss it in this format. This is a logical step after the adoption of the new Security Concept, in fact an integral part of it. Due to the specifics of the issue under discussion, the contents of the document will not be made public.