Lukashenko: Belarusians have only one teacher, and this is not the European Union or the USA

3 июля 2024

Belarusians have only one teacher - their history, the history of the winners. This was stated by President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko on July 3 at the military parade dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from Nazi invaders, BelTA reports.

"At the beginning of the last century, the Slavs were accused of the inability to competently manage their natural resources and territories, which for some reason should belong to the entire world community. And now we allegedly have the wrong democracy. Hitler's Germany took the role of a "teacher" then. Today, the entire European Union, led by the United States, is trying to "teach" us. We know the true goals, we know who is behind every provocation on the state border of Belarus, behind every terrorist threat to civilians. We know, because we work proactively. And we have only one teacher - our history. The history of the winners," said Alexander Lukashenko.