President Alexander Lukashenko gives interview to interstate TV and radio company Mir

6 апреля 2017

The Belarusian leader has given an interview to the interstate TV and radio company Mir. The conversation with journalist and chairman of the CIS’ largest media company Radik Batyrshin lasted for more than an hour. Integration in the post-Soviet space was the central topic of the interview. The President gave a detailed account of the state and prospects of Belarus-Russia relations, focusing on trade and economic cooperation development and the joint exercise Zapad 2017 (West 2017). Alexander Lukashenko commented on his recent talks with Vladimir Putin, as well as on the explosion in St. Petersburg’s metro. Fighting terrorism and ensuring security in the region were separate interview topics.

Alexander Lukashenko answered over ten questions. Besides, he commented on a letter sent to him by four American congressmen concerned about protests in Belarus and the upcoming Belarusian-Russian military exercises.

Journalist Radik Batyrshin has been heading the Mir TV and radio company since 2007. Before that he worked for a number of Russian federal channels. Five years ago, Batyrshin already interviewed the Belarusian leader. The list of conversation topics has been updated since then, the issue of maintaining peace and order coming to the fore.

The Mir TV and radio company is almost the same age as the Commonwealth of Independent States, marking its quarter-century anniversary this year. The company broadcasts in almost all the CIS countries, as well as in the Baltic states and Georgia. Its potential audience exceeds 130 million people. The company consists of three TV channels and one radio station. Its satellite broadcasting zone spreads from the Atlantic and to the Pacific Ocean. Mir promptly posts news on its website visited by more than 150,000 people daily.