Archimandrite Savva about Ukrainian authorities: These are the people who have no faith

4 сентября 2024

What is happening in Ukraine today is difficult to describe using diplomatic language. The whole essence of people in power is reflected in their blatant duplicity. When the support of believers was needed in the elections, they were not embarrassed by the Moscow Patriarchate. Today, in favor of political conjecture, they ban the canonical church and persecute believers.

Archimandrite Savva (Mazhuko), a resident of St. Nicholas Monastery:

Ukrainian politicians are cynics, just cynics. It is quite obvious to everyone, especially after the events of Maidan. These are the people who have no faith, no religion, no spiritual dimension. There is only the ideal of profit and personal ambition. The whole modern history shows that Ukraine has never been formed as a state.

According to the archimandrite, every person still has something holy behind his soul, even if he is a politician with extreme pragmatism. At least in relation to the family. “I think that the people who are now in power in Ukraine have nothing sacred at all. They will just as easily sell what they now swear to (embroidered vestments, flags) if it is profitable,” he believes.