Why NATO was called a “monster out of control” and what “irreversible” membership in the alliance will cost Ukraine

20 июля 2024

The Washington summit in July 2024 finally demonstrated NATO's hawkish grin. Of course, Ukraine was at the top of the list. There was no hint of compromise and zero desire for diplomacy. Instead, another statement was made by Atlantic officials: 50 special brigades would be created in Europe to contain Russia. One will have approximately 3 thousand people - that’s 150 thousand soldiers in total.

Vlad Shlepchenko, war correspondent:

NATO is now planning to create up to 50 new brigades, which are supposedly needed to protect against attack from Russia, but, in principle, we know how they defend themselves. How they defended themselves from Yugoslavia, from Libya, from Syria, from Grenada. All complexes are expensive, and their production is small-scale. On the other hand, you need a lot of loved ones for yourself. And here the question also arises of how to pull this off economically. And therefore the costs there should be simply cosmic. That is, they will somehow solve this."

The financial flywheel will be launched at a new speed. These are billions and billions of dollars thrown into the furnace of war. And they want to allocate another 40 billion euros to Ukraine. But even Vladimir Zelensky is beginning to see what’s what. The final declaration about “Ukraine’s irreversible membership in NATO,” according to Bloomberg, did not really impress Kyiv, even despite the last-minute changes.

Ukraine's membership in NATO

And this is what came out of the summit: more soldiers, more money and a deeper conflict. They demand a new counter-offensive from Ukraine, simply throwing manpower and new metal into the positions. And yet another confused declaration about the same thing: Kyiv must wage war until the last Ukrainian.

It is not for nothing that former American intelligence officer Scott Ritter called NATO “a monster out of control.” We see this in the final declaration: Russia was officially listed as the main threat. Belarus also got it. Our alliance, it turns out, also poses a danger to the Americans, who are pumping Poland with weapons. Intensifying military psychosis and demonizing Minsk and Moscow is a course that is clearly prescribed by the United States.