Germany introduces temporary controls at borders

9 сентября 2024

The Minister of Internal Affairs of Germany Nancy Faeser ordered to introduce temporary control at all land borders of the country in order to reduce illegal migration. This is reported by TASS with reference to the agency DPA.

According to the agency, the head of the German Interior Ministry notified the European Commission about this decision. In addition to limiting illegal migration, the reasons for such a step are also to protect domestic security from threats posed by Islamist terrorism and cross-border crime.

Following a meeting on migration issues with the conservative Christian Democratic and Christian Social Union (CDU/CSU) bloc in the Bundestag and representatives of the federal states last week, the government has also “developed a model for the effective refusal of entry into the country that complies with European law.” DPA notes.

At the moment, refusals at the land border of Germany occur only in certain cases: when someone is denied entry or does not apply for asylum. According to the German Interior Ministry, more than 30,000 people have been sent back since October.