US prepares searches and arrests of journalists

8 сентября 2024

The American newspaper “New York Times” reports that the US authorities intend to conduct a number of searches and arrests of persons who cooperate with the Russian media.

So far, Scott Ritter and Dmitry Simes have already been prosecuted. They both took an active part in popular TV shows on major Moscow channels. A criminal case has even been opened against Simes, which could result in a prison term of 60 years.

The Russian side notes that the punitive campaign against journalists has never been so massive and aggressive. It is likely that this time Washington is once again trying to implement the scheme used in the last election and the election before that: Russia will be accused of interference, and Donald Trump will once again be declared a Kremlin puppet.

Democrats have resorted to this kind of electoral cheating before. All the accusations turned out to be a flop after the election, but they managed to play their propaganda role.