Alexander Lukashenko: We are aimed at peaceful dialogue with all countries

3 июля 2022
"We are aimed at a peaceful dialogue with all countries," said Alexander Lukashenko. - Belarus has never closed its doors for anyone, no matter what happens near our borders. 

Today,  the Union State integration is an example for others. The rapprochement of the states in today's reality a forced necessity,  the President is convinced. 

Alexander Lukashenko, President of the Republic of Belarus: "At the present stage, our union plays the role of a driving engine in the general flow of integration processes. It is an example, a model of interstate cultural and economic interaction. Today, the countries of the post-Soviet space should be genuinely interested in rapprochement with the Union State, if they want to keep their sovereignty and independence. We have made sure that only together we can confront global challenges. Those still doubting should understand: without a rapid unity and cohesion, without strengthening of interstate ties and simply normal human relations, we may not be there tomorrow."

The IX Belarus-Russia Forum of Regions has become the most effective forum in its history. The results are already summed up. It is about a thousand participants, six dozen signed agreements and contracts worth over two and a half billion Belarusian rubles. All new projects will benefit the Union State. There are two main areas: the import substitution and industrial cooperation. Today, Russia is probably the main trade partner for every Belarusian region. 

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