Kostevich: Despite sanctions pressure, Belarus has positive dynamics of most important socio-economic indicators

1 марта 2024

A meeting of the board of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security is taking place in Minsk. In the center of attention is not only summarizing the results of work, demographic issues, measures to support fertility and construction of social facilities, but also the presentation of awards for high performance.

In addition to representatives of the Ministry of Labor, the meeting is attended by deputies, deputy chairmen of regional executive committees, representatives of the republican government bodies and public associations. While opening the board, Minister of Labor and Social Security Irina Kostevich noted that in general, the agency had coped with all the tasks set by the government last year.

The report outlined the main projects implemented by the Ministry.

Attention was paid to demography, measures to support fertility and construction of social institutions. The Minister also noted that despite the sanctions pressure, the country has a positive dynamics of the most important socio-economic indicators.

Thus, the growth of wages showed 111%, and the unemployment rate was a record low 3.5%.

The winners of the contest "105 ideas for the development of the industry" will be honored with certificates in 11 nominations, as well as awarded special prizes of the Minister.