Julie Fischer, US would- be ambassador to Belarus, has her claws pared

17 июля 2022
A suitcase, or even a diplomat, without a handle. This is exactly how today you can call the would-be ambassador of the United States to Belarus Julie Fisher who, albeit quietly, conceded her own ineptitude as a professional. Our country as a destination is now closed to her for sure.

Globally, this is the strongest failure of attempts by the United States to interfere in the internal affairs of other states. All Fischer's intentions to influence Belarusian politics from Lithuania ended up being transferred to another country.

And in fact, it could not be the other way. For two years she hung around in Vilnius and gave interviews to her the media, she created and fed herself to implement color revolution scenarios. We remind that the US Embassy in Belarus openly supported the radical opposition. 

Now! Commentary on the end of the short adventures of the American ambassador to Belarus in Lithuania, or "off the coast of Belarus", as inimitable Jane Psaki put it in 2014, threatening to send the 6th Fleet of the US Navy to our borders. 

Just imagine: an official, a lady from the US State Department, one of the most powerful countries in the world.  She is trying to break into a small Belarus. Just like Victoria Nuland, she probably baked cookies. She’s been trying it for two years with cries: "I am the US Ambassador to Belarus!" But they don’t let her in saying - Julie, of all the nerve! What kind of ambassador are you? Your place is next to Tikhanovskaya.

It's all about Julie Fisher. A long time ago, a reception was held in Vilnius on the occasion of the end of her fake status as the US Ambassador to Belarus. Did Tikhanovskaya get poisoned with cutlets? This, of course, is unknown. But the ambassador definitely had her claws pared on Belarus. She is not destined to repeat in Minsk Victoria Nuland's Kiev success. There goes her career in the State Department. But she made such loud statements! 

April 22, 2021. Julie Fisher. Quote: "President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko is unlikely to stay in power for a long time". As they say, the music did not play for long. Having said this nonsense, would-be ambassador Fischer is leaving for Cyprus.

Go. Go. She must be in need of rehabilitation. She spent two years in Lithuania sitting on suitcases and had to eat her democracy cookies herself. 

By the way, the question arises - why would the Americans send an ambassador to a country if the United States does not recognize its President? To whom are the credentials supposed to be presented? After all, if you don’t hand them over, you seem to be not an ambassador at all!

In such a zugzwang she had to run away in disgrace like from Afghanistan to somewhere like Cyprus.  American politicians got themselves in a tight corner

America is again sticking its nose into the affairs of other countries. But fancy,  what if our diplomats supported, say, Trump or any another American politician? There would be screams about interference in the internal affairs of the United States of America.

So, this female ambassador is the same for us. Or, more correctly, the "ambassador" is not needed. If you got tangled with Tikhanovskaya, well, stay with her in Lithuania. And from now on, you are a foreign private person for Belarus. And you can represent whoever and whatever - even penguins in Antarctica, even aliens on Mars. People who impose themselves as ambassadors to other states, where they do not recognize elections, are not needed anywhere.

And now Julie Fisher herself admits that she is nobody in Belarus. She's tired, she's leaving. She is leaving, but the work of rocking the Belarusian boat will continue. "Our team works on Belarus issues from Vilnius to Vienna, from Washington to Warsaw. We remain focused on supporting you and your aspirations for a better future for Belarus." This is an excerpt from a message about the sudden departure of a non-ambassador with the title "Ambassador Julie Fischer's open letter to the people of Belarus".

Don't be fooled. The people of Belarus were not at your party in Vilnius. Lithuania, unfortunately, today is a rookery for American managers of "color revolutions". Belarus will manage without them.

And what the majority of Belarusians are afraid of is to be in the place of the Ukrainians, whom you have turned into sacrificial lambs and are waging a proxy war with Russia with their hands.

What are the duties of diplomats, well, in general? Probably, after all, to help the presidents build ties, contacts between states, and not muddy the waters with the opposition. In principle, the accreditation of the US ambassador from Belarus in Vilnius is an absurdity, a violation of international law. These are steps towards confrontation, not diplomacy. So maybe it’s better not setting a fox to keep the geese at once.

And as we can see, the idea of the so-called embassies in exile failed on its face. Julie Fisher's undiplomatic gestures are an example of this failure. 

Everything is simple here - or you are really a diplomat and do not get involved in the internal affairs of a foreign country. Or beat it! Make your rules in your own country. 

Nicolas De Lacoste is another character from stories about fake ambassadors in Belarus,, already from France. He is also in Lithuania. And he has to abide by the fate of Julie Fisher. We can do without the next coordinator of coups d'etat!  For 14 years we somehow lived without an American ambassador. And lived well. Yevgeny Gorin about fugitive diplomacy for "The Main Air".