Orthodox believers go to church to consecrate Easter foods

4 мая 2024

On May 4, the Orthodox observe the Great Saturday. In prayers believers remember the life, suffering and death of Jesus, who sacrificed himself for the sins of mankind and rose again.

People bring Easter food - Paska Bread, dyed eggs, cottage cheese Easter. Such filling of baskets is symbolic. Thus, the Paska Bread is the prototype of bread, which Jesus Christ shared with his disciples after the resurrection.

Today, the Belarusian capital is literally enveloped in the aroma of the upcoming Christian holiday. Hundreds of believers go to the temple to bless the Easter dishes. At the temple of the Icon of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow" blessing began at 12 noon, this event will continue until 21:00.

Traditionally, consecrated Easter treats are the first festive food to be put on the table at the end of a strict 40-day fast.