Deployment of TNWs in Belarus is a response to Poland's plans to carry out an invasion operation - Korotchenko

2 июля 2023

The deployment of TNWs in Belarus is a response to Poland's plans to implement an invasion operation, says Igor Korotchenko, editor-in-chief of the Russian magazine "National Defense"

According to him, Poland plans to implement an invasion operation first in a hybrid format, and then with the entry of the regular Polish army into the territory of the Republic of Belarus, destabilizing the situation with the actions of saboteurs, terrorists from among the Belarusian opposition. "And next step is the anschluss of Belarus, its absorption and liquidation of a sovereign state, establishment of a puppet, buffer regime, headed by Frau Tikhanovskaya or some other political freaks from the Belarusian opposition fugitives," the military expert described the scenario.

Under these conditions, as agreed with Russia, Lukashenko raised the issue of the need for tactical nuclear weapons of Russia in Belarus, said Igor Korotchenko. "These are Russian tactical nuclear weapons. At the same time Belarus received means of delivery of these nuclear warheads for strikes at the territory of the enemy," he stated.