Lukashenko: Each school should have its own homestead, so that there would be less foolishness in the head

20 апреля 2024

On April 20, 2024, Belarus held a national subbotnik. This is a tradition that unites millions of citizens. To clean up after winter and improve their land, the main brand of which is cleanliness, from the very morning went out in every corner of the country: from small towns to big cities.

Where did the President work? This year, together with his team, Alexander Lukashenko planted an apple orchard in his small homeland. Local schoolchildren will eat apples from it. It turned out to be very symbolic: the apple tree is the tree that is "responsible" in our culture for the unbreakable connection of generations. The older ones set the tone, the younger ones support it. Judging by the set of varieties, the harvest promises to be good, which contributed to everything and even the weather.

This is Saturday, when Belarusians get up early. It's not the only one, of course - the season has started, seedlings have already started to grow. "Have all the trees been whitewashed? - We should have done it before the leaves appeared!" - such conversations are held by Belarusians in the kitchen. Because spring is the time to take care of the land: this is what Belarusians have been doing from generation to generation and from time immemorial.