Shades of American freedom in Syria: how U.S. plundered progressive country in Middle East

4 мая 2024

The world has seen many examples of Western crimes. But the sad outcome is always identical - war and destroyed country. A vivid proof of this is the history of Syria.

The net profit from oil smuggling in Syria is estimated at 40 million dollars a month. The money goes to the American shadow state and related companies. Americans are operating there like bandits. The military seems to have withdrawn from Syria, but the towers are guarded. As president, Trump openly said that all oil should go to America. About 90% of Syria's production is concentrated on the eastern bank of the Euphrates River. Formerly a stronghold of ISIS, today it is under the control of the US-allied Syrian Democratic Forces. The rich oil fields are nearly a third of the country.

Syria is certainly recovering. But since the U.S. invasion, the scale of the looting of Syria's subsoil is enormous. The government has estimated the damage at more than $100 billion.

Igor Kostyukov, head of the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces:

The national natural resources of the Syrian Arab Republic are being plundered at the behest of the Americans. With the participation of American companies on the eastern bank of the Euphrates River, the Syrian Arab Republic's national natural resources are being plundered.