Pro-Palestinian protests engulf two dozen major U.S. universities - 2,200 students detained

4 мая 2024

Portland students beat back all attempts by police to clear the academic buildings of the University and tear down the tent camp. The authorities demand from the strike committee to immediately return to classes, but the protesters do not intend to surrender and provide law enforcers the fiercest resistance.

Pro-Palestinian protests have engulfed two dozen major American universities. The White House is demanded to immediately stop all support for Israel and stop supplying this country with weapons. The U.S., according to the students, is obliged to pressure Tel Aviv so that the IDF stops the actions that many call genocide.

The scope of the current university protests in the States is unprecedented. Nationwide, 2,200 students and 50 faculty members have been detained. But the activists have no intention of giving up. Something similar took place half a century ago, when young people demanded the abolition of the draft and an end to the Vietnam War. However, in the opinion of many, the current student revolts have taken on an even larger scale and threaten to turn into a full-fledged revolt.