About Ukraine, negotiations, nuclear danger, and the Wagnerites. Lukashenko interviewed by journalists from all over the world

9 июля 2023

About peace, Ukraine, the possibility of negotiations, nuclear danger, relations with Putin and the Wagnerites. Journalists from all over the world asked the president about it. Two dozen reporters from the U.S., Russia, Great Britain, France, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia were invited to talk.

There is no geographical connotation here. These are representatives of the media who from different corners of the world persistently sent in requests for interviews with the Belarusian President, and not just any signals, but requests for interviews. They did not give up. There is a lot of information turmoil today about PMCs and deployment of nuclear weapons, as well as about the counter-offensive.

No less hope for peace - it was felt in the conversation. Alexander Lukashenko knows the agenda. Without regard to the timing, he spent three and a half hours answering questions.

There are no inconvenient questions for the Belarusian President! This is evidenced by the invitation of journalists, who have been spotted earlier for such, albeit unsuccessful, attempts to discourage, to take you by surprise.

"Oh, Stephen, glad to see you healthy, rejuvenated," the President of Belarus addressed BBC journalist Stephen Rosenberg.

Yes, Alexander Lukashenko knows many of the foreign journalists personally. If you remember, both Stephen Rosenberg from BBC and Matthew Chance from CNN made big interviews with him.